Started a test figure for my Traitor Guard too. I think the yellow will contrast well with the rest of the greens in the army. I forgot how tedious a normal size figure was to paint, it felt tiny after all those Marines!
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Chaos Sorcerer reworked
Initially when I painted this Nurgle Sorcerer, I envisioned him as still in his white Death Guard armor. It really didn't fit the overall color scheme of the army, and after a suggestion from my girl, I reworked him a bit. I like this better; he's a little more interesting now and less Horus Heresy. Seriously, who could keep their armor white for 10,000 years?
Started a test figure for my Traitor Guard too. I think the yellow will contrast well with the rest of the greens in the army. I forgot how tedious a normal size figure was to paint, it felt tiny after all those Marines!
Started a test figure for my Traitor Guard too. I think the yellow will contrast well with the rest of the greens in the army. I forgot how tedious a normal size figure was to paint, it felt tiny after all those Marines!
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Nurgle Helbrute
Finished up painting the Helbrute this weekend, since it was cold AF outside.
Very simple color scheme, just some brass for the armor edges, and Elysian Green for the armor. This was washed a whole bunch, with Agrax and Sewer Water mostly. I spattered blood on it to add to that nasty, unclean look. I highlighted the armor some after the washes dried to make it pop a little more.
Pretty happy with him, and I like how the textured bits of Agrellan Earth came out for it's cracked and warped armor.
In other news, I got the Traitor Legions book, and there is a TON of good stuff in there. Reading it this morning I was overwhelmed; so many possibilities for our beloved Death Guard. I think they are clearly one of the early winners from the book. They got even tougher. D-FENS!
Very simple color scheme, just some brass for the armor edges, and Elysian Green for the armor. This was washed a whole bunch, with Agrax and Sewer Water mostly. I spattered blood on it to add to that nasty, unclean look. I highlighted the armor some after the washes dried to make it pop a little more.
Pretty happy with him, and I like how the textured bits of Agrellan Earth came out for it's cracked and warped armor.
In other news, I got the Traitor Legions book, and there is a TON of good stuff in there. Reading it this morning I was overwhelmed; so many possibilities for our beloved Death Guard. I think they are clearly one of the early winners from the book. They got even tougher. D-FENS!
Friday, December 2, 2016
Nurgle Heldrake
It's pretty much close to being done, other than the base and a few minor highlights. I hope she'll be vomiting on Loyalists soon!
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Traitor Legions
Well! Well, well, well ,well! Well, well, well, well!
This is awesome news! FINALLY...real, actual, dedicated Traitor Legion rules. Been a long wait, especially after Chaos got neutered so badly after the 3.5 codex.
Here's hoping more new models come down with the release. Seeing what they did with the Thousand Sons, I have high hopes for new Plague Marines. Super stoked for this!
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Nurgly dudes
Just a couple of WIPs of characters that needed a little dash of editing tonight. We have a Nurgle Sorcerer and Champion I switched out heads on. Painting these will be a blast!
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Time to get back to work
Ahhhh, Fall is here. The leaves change, Walking Dead is back on ...and it's that season, for me at least, to get back to work and rededicate myself to hobby stuff. Those cool temps just put my ass right back in the seat. So first up, I need to work on the few Nurgly projects I have going on that need finishing. I'm anticipating big things for them coming next year, and I gots to be ready.
First thing I've been working on is the Heldrake I started a while back. This is definitely a WIP; only finished the first wash over the main colors so far. I'll add some rust to it and some more washes, maybe some greens and purples. This one is definitely growing on me now that it's getting some paint on it, kinda diggin' it more now. It's just really absurd looking, and I like that.
Once this one is done I'll move onto some Cultists. I primed some this past weekend and want to get on them next as they look really fun to paint. I'm thinking of doing them mainly yellow, just to break up the main green theme of the army.
And speaking of Nurgle, I hope Plague Zombies make it into the new lists for them. Some new undead models would be killer for conversions. Nurgle knows I love my walkers, especially playing one!
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Chaos Knight plans
The Imperial Knights Renegade box showed up on my doorstep the other day, and it made me all...
Super excited about converting both a Nurgle one for myself, and a Khornate version for my girl. I'm already brainstorming about how to do both. I'll raid the Lord of Skulls kit for the Khorny one. That should be fairly easy; between the big f'ing axe and the head piece, it'll be a good start.
The Nurgle one will probably entail a wild mix of kits. From just browsing through my bitz, I can see adding Maulerfiend, Soul Grinder, Defiler, Glottkin, and various spikes, skulls, bodies, banners, and horns on her. My dremel is drooling at the chance to get a hold of that plastic.
Kinda digging this head for it too.
Then there's the load out on them. Of course, make the Khorne one a h2h monster with a reaper chainsword and thunderstrike gauntlet. Not much in the way of shooting, but that's for pussies anyway, right? Nurgle one I'd love to make a gun platform out of; the thought of two rapid fire battle cannons blasting away is just sick. Expensive, but sick.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Daemon Prince of Nurgle WIP
Had this lovely fellow sitting around for a while. Initially, folks weren't too keen on the head I used for him, but I kinda like him more now that it's painted up. The head melds better now I think, Still a little ways to go on him, but I like how grotesque he's turning out. His pose kinda sprang out a bit more too, like he's plodding along stalking some prey.
Started with a white basecoat, followed by Ogryn Camo base for the body, Balor Brown for the wing membrane, and a lot of Typhus Corruption and Ryza Rust for his axes.
After all the base colors were on it was a steady wash of Sewer Water and Baby Poop. Yes, you read that right. I also played around with Nurgle's Rot too, mostly on his gut and wounds. I like the effect it made and will be using it to make some nasty little toxic pools on some terrain and bases in the future.
Started with a white basecoat, followed by Ogryn Camo base for the body, Balor Brown for the wing membrane, and a lot of Typhus Corruption and Ryza Rust for his axes.
After all the base colors were on it was a steady wash of Sewer Water and Baby Poop. Yes, you read that right. I also played around with Nurgle's Rot too, mostly on his gut and wounds. I like the effect it made and will be using it to make some nasty little toxic pools on some terrain and bases in the future.
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Downed Airship WIP
These were fun to paint up! My girl suggested blue for the airship color, and I'm glad she did, cause it'll make some of this dreary-ass terrain pop on my table.
That's it for stage 1 of the terrain project. Still have to go back in and get the rubble locked down, add some signs, mud, and blood, and maybe match the black to the more dark purple of my Frontline Gaming mat. Have I mentioned how awesome they are?
No more playing in Plastic City for us!
That's it for stage 1 of the terrain project. Still have to go back in and get the rubble locked down, add some signs, mud, and blood, and maybe match the black to the more dark purple of my Frontline Gaming mat. Have I mentioned how awesome they are?
No more playing in Plastic City for us!
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Centerpiece Terrain WIP
The cityfight centerpiece is almost done!
I really liked how the pillars came out. They looked terrible after the initial drybrush; then the wash fixed them right up. I'm glad I went with Nuln Oil there.
I found some Youtube vids on how to make your statues look oxidized, mixed some paint up to try it and totally f'd it up, went to buy some paint closer to that bluish-green color...then noticed I already had Nihilakn Oxide in my paint collection. Total fail. I liked the ease of using it, just brush on and be done.
I had to fill in the hollow cake pillars with some green stuff. I figured the Imperium would not cheap out on that.
Just a few more downed airship pieces to go and stage 1 of the terrain project will be done. Woot.
I am beating down my painting malaise like a champ!
Monday, July 25, 2016
Nothing too exciting, just some craters I finally got finished for the table. Kinda proud of the progress I'm making lately; you'd think I was that Mordian 7th guy... :)
I... uhhhh, also need to get the Nurgle army based.
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Nurgle Hellbrute Part 2
Last year I tried whipping up a Hellbrute conversion. It didn't really work, and when I painted it, things got worse. Total disaster. I swore off trying to do another one, especially considering that dreads / brutes just aren't that hot rules wise these days.
G-Dub is trying to give them a little kick, upping their attacks in the new errata. I can only assume the Chaos Marine variant will get these as well (although IMO what they really need is more resiliency to stick around long enough to get into h2h).
My terrain is cruising along well, so I took a break from it to make this thing. To give him two power fists I hacked off the thumb on a spare one I had and switched it to the top of the fist with some green stuff. A lot of the other parts for it come from the Maulerfiend and Chaos Spawn kit. The taller legs give him a much more menacing pose I think. As always, Green Stuff Industries tentacle maker comes in handy!
One thing I'm experimenting with is some cracked armor texture, using Agrellan Earth. It looks really good at this stage, just hope it survives once I prime it. If it works good I'll probably use it on some Plague Marines I'm looking to build in the near future.
G-Dub is trying to give them a little kick, upping their attacks in the new errata. I can only assume the Chaos Marine variant will get these as well (although IMO what they really need is more resiliency to stick around long enough to get into h2h).
My terrain is cruising along well, so I took a break from it to make this thing. To give him two power fists I hacked off the thumb on a spare one I had and switched it to the top of the fist with some green stuff. A lot of the other parts for it come from the Maulerfiend and Chaos Spawn kit. The taller legs give him a much more menacing pose I think. As always, Green Stuff Industries tentacle maker comes in handy!
One thing I'm experimenting with is some cracked armor texture, using Agrellan Earth. It looks really good at this stage, just hope it survives once I prime it. If it works good I'll probably use it on some Plague Marines I'm looking to build in the near future.