Tuesday, March 19, 2013


It has been far too quiet here the last few weeks.

I picked up both the Fantasy and 40K Daemon books recently. A friend of mine got back into Fantasy and went with Ogres, so I figured this would be a good time for a new army project, being that the Nurgle Marines are almost finished and I don't really fancy an Ogre civil war. I really dig some of the Nurgle stuff from the Fantasy book and will be building a small army to tide me over until Dwarfs get released (which sounds like next year...hope hope). There's a lot of butt hurt WAAC ypes that must hate the new book, but I kinda dig that it's been toned down and more balanced. Of course I say that now...just wait till I get zapped with a bad Reign of Chaos roll...

For 40k, I could use the Daemons as Allies for my Death Guard I suppose, or I could use my Khorne stuff and build an army with Chaos Marine allies. Decisions decisions....

I am starting to prime my Death Guard now. Going with a white undercoat on just about everything to take advantage of all the good washes that are out there now.

For a pic, here's a shot of a Chaos Ogre I built for my now on the chopping block Warriors of Chaos army. I got that book as well, but after trying a few lists out I became really bored with the choices. I guess I played them in the past and am ready for something new. Hopefully they go to a good home...

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